
COVID-19 +心脏病:你需要知道的

COVID-19 +心脏病:你需要知道的

人们普遍认为SARS-CoV-2, 更广为人知的是COVID-19, impacts most with respiratory illness resulting in conditions that range from very mild to life-threatening. It has also become apparent that adverse cardiovascular impact is common among patients with severe COVID-19 disease and is associated with worse outcomes.

5 Important Things to Know About Your Heart and COVID-19


First, people with pre-existing heart and vascular disease are more likely to have severe illness. This does not mean people with heart issues are more likely to contract COVID-19, just more likely to have complications and statistically worse recovery rates. People with the following conditions appear to be particularly at risk:

  • 高血压
  • 高胆固醇
  • 冠状动脉疾病
  • 既往中风史

The inflammation that accompanies the COVID-19 infection destabilizes existing plaque and worsens vascular (blood vessel) function, 使这些疾病恶化. 这一事实并不令人惊讶, as it has been observed with similar illnesses that cause inflammation (e.g.比如流感). The increased risk is just one of the many reasons it's essential to actively work to prevent heart disease in your daily life.

Second, emerging data shows that COVID-19 affects not only the lungs, but also the heart. The most common mechanism appears to be the body’s response to overwhelming illness, 称为全身炎症反应. This exaggerated immune response results in the release of chemicals, 包括细胞因子, which not only defend against the virus but can cause collateral damage to the host (that means you!).

它也会影响最小的血管, leading to thrombosis (blood clotting) or ischemia (lack of oxygen). COVID-19 related heart disease can show up in the following ways:

  • Heart attacks caused by blockage in a heart artery
  • 心肌感染或发炎, 哪些会导致软弱, 心律不齐心脏衰竭或不正常的节律
  • 压力相关性心力衰竭
  • 严重的胸痛——在线体育投注堵塞的心脏病发作
  • 其他心肌损伤,但在线体育投注心脏病发作

血液测试, electrocardiograms (ECGs) and echocardiograms (ultrasound of the heart) are often used to detect heart muscle injury and evidence of heart failure. Outcomes of patients who contract COVID-19 are typically worse when these tests are abnormal prior to or during diagnosis of the virus.

Third, COVID-19 increases the risk of other vascular diseases like stroke and blood clots. Stroke severity and risk of stroke-related death are worse in individuals infected with the virus.

第四, the number of people seeking treatment for everyday emergencies, 包括心脏病和中风, 明显减少了. The decrease has been reported both here in the United States and abroad. We’re not sure if there’s been an actual reduction in those emergencies. It would seem unlikely since those emergencies typically increase during epidemics of similar illnesses like the flu. There are also reports of people presenting to the hospital late and increased numbers of people found dead in their homes. Some may be reluctant to seek care for fear of contracting COVID-19 or not sure where they can get medical attention. Most ER's remain open for these everyday emergencies. 如果你不确定,请提前打电话. It's important to seek attention early because early treatment leads to better outcomes and reduces the chance of permanent heart and brain damage.

和第五, the most important things you can do to stay well at this time include preventing or managing chronic diseases and avoiding virus transmission. As they say, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

For more information on how to keep your heart well, visit 哈特维尔.me.

Dr. Jherie Ducombs 心脏病专家是什么 北橡树心脏病科 and serves as vice president/assistant chief medical officer at 在线体育投注.